Market Analysis & Property Sales report

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{{ reportErrorTitle || 'Error' }}
{{ reportError }}
Hi {{ reportData.firstName }},
Thank you for the opportunity to provide your Property Report. Please find below a post code overview and sale prices of houses and/or apartments in your local area.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide your Property Report. Please find below a post code overview and sale prices of houses and/or apartments in your local area.
Once I have reviewed your property information, I will update this report with comparable property sales and an estimated price of your property.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide your Market Analysis and Comparable Sales Report for you. Please find below a post code overview, a comparable sales report and estimated selling price for your property.
In compiling this report the estimated selling price range is determined by a number of criteria, including the number of bedrooms, bathrooms and size of comparable property sales in your local area. Other factors which may affect this report include aspect, the age and condition of the property as well as other similar properties listed on the market.
With reference to the above information and based upon my knowledge of your area, indications are that the property may be worth:
Please bear in mind the estimate provided may not be accurate unless I have personally viewed your property
Property Sales in {{ reportData.postcode }}
Address | Suburb | Bed | Bath | Car | Date Sold | Price | ||
{{ property.address }} | {{ property.suburb }} | {{ property.bedrooms }} | {{ property.bathrooms }} | {{ property.carSpaces }} | {{ property.dateSold | date: 'd MMM yyyy' }} |
{{ property.priceSold | noFractionCurrency }}
![]() |

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monthly income
weekly rent
mortgage repayments
Featured Lowest Interest Rates as of {{ featuredRates.variable.rateDate | date: 'd MMMM yyyy' }}
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* The comparison rate is based on secured credit of $150,000 and a term of 25 years. Fees, charges, terms and conditions apply. WARNING: This comparison rate applies only to the example or examples given. Different amounts and terms will result in different comparison rates. Costs such as redraw fees or early repayment fees, and cost savings such as fee waivers, are not included in the comparison rate but may influence the cost of the loan.